Start Eating These Foods Every Month and SEE What Happens

Start Eating 6 Prunes a Day and SEE What Happens

Start Eating 6 Prunes a Day and SEE What Happens

You only need to eat 6 prunes a day to receive all their benefits, so they make for a perfect snack that you can take anywhere. Prunes can do magic by helping you to…

Start Eating Mushrooms Every Week and SEE What Happens

Start Eating Mushrooms Every Week and SEE What Happens

Mushrooms are edible fungus that can provide several important nutrients. The many kinds of mushroom have varying compositions and nutritional profiles.

From puffballs to truffles, mushrooms can range from everyday fare to a costly delicacy. People can buy them fresh, canned, or dried.

In 2015, each person in the United States consumed, on average, around 3 pounds of mushrooms, according to the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center.

Beyond the diet, mushrooms feature in some types of traditional medicineTrusted Source.

In this article, learn about the nutritional contents and possible health benefits of eating mushrooms.

Awesome Uses for Chalk That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Awesome Uses for Chalk That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

I had the best laugh recently when a friend of mine used a piece of white chalk to mark the driveway as a stopping point for kids riding their bikes! Cross the chalk line and you’re in big trouble. It was a genius idea, and cheap! That got me thinking. What else can I do with my kids’ leftover chalk that will help me save money and time? Here’s what I found out!

Spray Vinegar on Scratched Stainless Steel and SEE What Happens

Spray Vinegar on Scratched Stainless Steel and SEE What Happens

We’ve figured out the quickest and easiest way to make your flat and dirty stainless steel appliances appear shiny and new. And you’ll only need…

5 Signs That Show You’ve Got Bed Bugs in Your Home!

5 Signs That Show You’ve Got Bed Bugs in Your Home!

How can you tell if you have bed bugs?

If you’ve noticed some changes around your home like mysterious stains and strange-looking insect shells, you might be feeling worried about the source. You aren’t wrong to be concerned!

Bed bugs are a common nuisance, and a hard to get rid of pest in your home. Plus, these unwelcome invaders won’t go away on their own. An infestation will require professional treatment.

Keep reading for seven easy to recognize signs you have bed bugs, and what to do about it if you do.

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