11 Poor Health Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

11 Poor Health Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

11 Poor Health Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Attention! Your body has a way of speaking to you and it’s important to listen carefully to what it tries to tell you

8 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Everyone Should Know

8 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Everyone Should Know

Signs of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are different from normal age-related changes. For example, sometimes forgetting why you walked into a room is a normal sign of aging. Not recognizing a room in your house may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. Not recognizing a spouse or child is different than occasionally calling loved ones by the wrong name. When you observe behaviors that don’t seem to be typical signs of aging, what should you do? How do you have the conversation about getting them the help they need?

Soak Your Feet In Vinegar And You Will Be Shocked

Soak Your Feet In Vinegar And You Will Be Shocked

People have used Vinegar as a natural remedy for many years because it’s extremely versatile. It can be used to treat blood sugar problems, it can lower cholesterol, and it can also treat Athlete’s Foot—a very annoying condition that affects thousands of people every year.

Start Sleeping On Your Right Side For 30 Days and SEE What Happens

Start Sleeping On Your Right Side For 30 Days and SEE What Happens

You turn off the lights and get yourself ready to snooze. Are you on your back, side, or stomach…

Pour Baking Soda on a Mattress and See What Happens

Pour Baking Soda on a Mattress and See What Happens

We at Clever Things invite you to learn about some ways of using baking soda that will help to avoid costly dry cleaners.

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